Leading the way to

a brighter future

The Singaraja

Montessori School

Offers education in a world-class environment using the Montessori method. This approach is a hands-on method enabling children to become active learners.

SMS is a bilingual school, with Indonesia as its primary language instruction, and English as its second language. We provide a quality education that empowers students to become confident students and responsible members of society.

The Goal of


Montessori School

Is to provide a stimulating environment where children can explore and learn in without fear. We at SMS aim to make learning exciting for children by allowing them to explore without limitations. Because much of the learning process is self-directed, children can gain a sense of independence and confidence in their abilities much faster than in a traditional school setting.

Montessori children learn from one another as much as from adults and collaborate rather than compete for honors and grades. Children learn best by doing. While manipulating materials children are learning and not only “playing” as perceived by most adults. It is the philosophy that inspired us to open a Montessori school.

The Goals of a Montessori School

  • Developing a positive attitude toward school
  • Helping each child develop self-confidence
  • Assisting each child in building a habit of concentration
  • Fostering an abiding curiosity
  • Developing habits of initiative and persistence
  • Fostering inner security and a sense of order in the child

Why Choose Us

Learning and fun

Learning can be fun, and fun can be learning. When we learn new things, we not only expand our knowledge, but we also get to apply what we’ve learned in new and exciting ways.


Professional Montessori educator

Professional Montessori educators are certified teachers who specialize in applying the Montessori method to educational


The Montessori method is a teaching approach that encourages child-led learning and encourages independence, creativity, and self-expression.


Using Montessori


A wide range of Extracurricular

Extracurricular activities can help students develop important skills, such as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving, while also providing opportunities for



Having earned a Bachelor of Laws (LLB.) with a major in International Relations and Affairs from Satya Wacana Christian University, Mr. Nathan's insights extend beyond educational management. He is known for his approachable demeanor and his leadership style surpasses conventional expectations, making him an exceptional school principal.

Mr. Nathan is deeply  passionate about fostering the development of children at Singaraja Montessori School. With extensive experience in educational institutions prior to joining our school, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Mr. Nathan's understanding of Montessori education and proficiency in various subjects from the Indonesian National Curriculum is remarkable.

Our Classes

Singaraja Montessori School (SMS) operates 3 different classes from age 2.5 to 12. In each class, we tailor teaching materials and activities based on each child's needs.

SMS provides children with the opportunity to engage in self-directed activities and explore their own interests in a supportive environment.


2.5 - 4 y/o


6 - 12 y/o

What Parents say about us...

My husband and I love the school. We believe it’s been great for both our boys! Malayke has grown so much in his confidence since being at the school.

"In less than 1 year, Harvius grew into a confident person. Even the critical thinking for a 3 year old surprised us as parents."

"A school I highly recommend! My child’s development is very good, especially in art and English. The teacher also prioritizes goals for children, and I really appreciate that!"

"We love how interactive and hands-on the education style is at SMS. We are so happy with how much our daughter has been learning from the teachers, as well as the other students."

Enrol Your Child Now!

Within the Montessori system, children learn at their own pace.

Your child can enroll any time during the year.